Andrea Vyas (Hallberg)

Class of 2009

Current Address: Iowa City, Iowa

What is your current job title? Or, what are you currently working on? Product Manager- Synthetic Biology at Integrated DNA Technologies

Share a special memory of your time at Vinton-Shellsburg? There are so many great memories at V-S: band trips, FFA, math league. But the one that still stands out to me today is going for a tour of IDT during senior year chemistry. Almost exactly 10 years after that tour I landed a position at IDT and still to this day remember that tour.

Describe how your time at Vinton-Shellsburg has impacted your career/life in a positive way. The great science and math courses at VS prepared me for my undergraduate sciences courses so well. I truly believe that the strong science education during high school led me to my great interest in biology and eventually getting my PhD in Molecular Medicine.

What advice would you give students who are interested in going into a field similar? Never give up. If you are interested in a career in science, whether it be medicine, research, teaching, or the many other career paths, things will get tough. But put the work in and stick it out. In the end, it will be worth it!

Submitted: March 28, 2022