College & Career Planning
Meet your school counselor.
If you have any questions or want to meet with a School Counselor, call Danelle Hauschild, our Admin Assistant and District Registrar. Danelle will be happy to schedule your appointment!
College Planning
Almost all careers require some form of education or training after high school. It is important to plan for college while in high school to find the best program for you and to be prepared financially to pay for college.
Use the tools below to help in your career exploration.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is used to determine a student’s eligibility for student financial aid.
National/State Scholarships:
Iowa College Aid
ICAN Scholarships
Student Scholarships
Going Merry
Charles and Helen Yundt Charitable Foundation
Local Scholarships
All local scholarship applications are due on April 1, 2024. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to see Ms. Hauschild or Mr. Tandy in the School Counseling Department.
College Visits
***College/Recruiter visits are subject to change by VSHS or the college/recruiter themselves. Please check Daily Announcements on PowerSchool and/or Canvas for the most up to date information.
College/Recruiter visits will be primarily scheduled from 1:15-1:35 pm on Tuesdays and Thursday in the Office Large Conference Room.
To tour colleges please call the college admissions office and schedule an appointment. Have your parent(s) call the Attendance line (319-436-5700) for excused absences while attending the College Visit.

ICAN’s mission is to empower Iowans to achieve lifelong success through education, training, and informed decision-making . ICAN helps nearly 800,000 students, parents and education professionals prepare for college each year.
Planning for a career and college, applying for financial aid and mastering your financial situation can be confusing and intimidating. For that reason, ICAN’s team of Student Success Advisors work directly with Iowa students and their families.

My Academic Plan (MAP) is a career exploration and decision making system created by Iowa State University.
MAP guides you through a series of steps which allow you to:
- Identify your own unique interests, work values, and skills through simple online inventories.
- Explore career options which best match your interests, work values, and skills.
- Plan your high school course schedule with your career goals in mind.
- Explore college majors or training programs which prepare you for your intended career, and then identify a college or training program which best fits you.
Career Planning
Career planning and exploration is an important part of high school. Through exploring your strengths, areas of growth, and interests you can find careers that will fit your interests to pursue after graduation. Having these career goals while in high school helps students to stay motivated and excel academically.
Use the tools below to help in your career exploration.

Kirkwood Workplace Learning Connection provides career exploration opportunities for students interested in exploring career options.

My Academic Plan (MAP) is a career exploration and decision making system created by Iowa State University.

Future Ready Iowa connects Iowans to the education and training required for good paying jobs and careers.
Career Options in Iowa

ICAN‘s team of Student Success Advisors work directly with Iowa students and their families.

Job Corps: learn how you can further your education and build a strong foundation with hands-on training.

Join the Military: Research the benefits of joining the military and the necessary steps to join.